DHTML Hangman Game Hangman Game This is a simple Hangman game that uses DHTML and JavaScript. Click on a blue letter to guess that letter. If your guess is correct, the letter turns green and you're …
DHTML Hangman Game Hangman Game This is a simple Hangman game that uses DHTML and JavaScript. Click on a blue letter to guess that letter. If your guess is correct, the letter turns green and you're …
FREE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCESType: Memory game (swf file)Topic: Family members & adjectivesPlease share or comment this content! :)MEMORY GAME: FAMILY MEMBERS & ADJECTIVESClick here to …
FREE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCESType: Memory game (swf file)Topic: Domestic animalsPlease share or comment this content! :)MEMORY GAME: DOMESTIC ANIMALS Click here to download…
FREE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCESType: Memory game (swf file)Topic: Animals and insectsPlease share or comment this content! :)MEMORY GAME: ANIMALS AND INSECTSClick here to download…
FREE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCESType: PosterTopic: phobiasAuthor: Nihat KASIMPlease share or comment this content! :)PHOBIAS…
FREE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCESType: PosterTopic: The zodiacAuthor: Nihat KASIMPlease share or comment this content! :)THE ZODIAC…
FREE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES Type: Multiple choice testTopic: Prepositions of movement & placeAuthor: Nihat KasımPREPOSITIONS OF MOVEMENT AND PLACEMULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ 1 /*************…