Type: Word list
Level: Advanced
Number: 1st week
Topic: The most common words for IELTS
Author: Nihat KASIM

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wordDefinitionused in sentencemeaning in Turkish
arbitrary1 [more arbitrary; most arbitrary] : not planned or chosen for a particular reasonI don't know why I chose that one; it was a completely arbitrary decision.keyfi, isteğe göre, rastgele
assessto make a judgment about (something)The school will assess [=evaluate] the students' progress each year.değerlendirmek, değerini bilmek
assumeto think that something is true or probably true without knowing that it is trueI assumed he was coming, so I was surprised when he didn't show up.farzetmek, varsaymak
compensateto provide something good as a balance against something bad or undesirable : to make up for some defect or weaknessHis enthusiasm compensates for his lack of skill.tazmin etmek, zararını karşılamk, telafi etmek
complexnot easy to understand or explain : not simpleThe situation is more complex than you realize.karmaşık, anlaşılması güç
complyto do what you have been asked or ordered to doI asked the waitress to refill my coffee cup and she happily complied.itaat etmek, razı olmak
conceptan idea of what something is or how it worksShe is familiar with basic concepts of psychology.fikir, kavram, anlayış
concludeto stop or finish : to come to an endThe investigation has not yet concluded.bitirmek, sonuçlandırmak
consistto have (something) as an essential or main partHappiness consists in being satisfied with what you have.-den oluşmak, meydana gelmek,müteşekkil
constanthappening all the time or very often over a period of timeHe suffers from constant headaches.sürekli
constructto build or make (something physical, such as a road, bridge, or building)The table is constructed [=made] of wood and steel.inşa etmek, yapmak
consultto go to (someone, such as a doctor or lawyer) for advice : to ask for the professional opinion of (someone)You should not attempt these exercises without first consulting your doctor.danışmak, fikir sormak
contextthe words that are used with a certain word or phrase and that help to explain its meaningWhen taken out of context, his comments sound cruel, but he was really only joking.bağlam, konuyla ilgili tüm unsurlar
criterionsomething that is used as a reason for making a judgment or decisionur main criterion for hiring new employees is that they have a lot of past work experience.değer ölçütü, kriter
datafacts or information used usually to calculate, analyze, or plan somethingShe spent hours reviewing the data from the experiment.bilgi, veri
defineto explain the meaning of (a word, phrase, etc.)How would you define (the word) “grotesque”?tarif etmek, açıklamak
definite[more definite; most definite] 1 : said or done in a such way that others know exactly what you meanWe'll need a definite answer by Tuesday.kesin, sabit, değişmez
denoteof a word : to have (something) as a meaning : to mean (something)The word “derby” can denote a horse race or a kind of hat.işareti olmak, manasına gelmek
derive1 [+ obj] : to take or get (something) from (something else)Many English words are derived from French.bir şeyi bir şeyden türetmek
devise[+ obj] : to invent or plan (something that is difficult or complicated)They have devised a new method for converting sunlight into electricity.tasarlamak, icat etmek
dimension: the length, width, height, or depth of something : a measurement in one direction (such as the distance from the ceiling to the floor in a room)She carefully measured each dimension of the room.yön, boyut, taraf
distinct[more distinct; most distinct] 1 : different in a way that you can see, hear, smell, feel, etc. : noticeably differentThe two plants are quite distinct (from one another).farklı, ayrı, apayrı
element[count] chemistry : one of the basic substances that are made of atoms of only one kind and that cannot be separated by ordinary chemical means into simpler substancesWater is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.element
environmentthe conditions that surround someone or something : the conditions and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something [count]We're trying to create a better business/learning environment.çevre
equate[+ obj] : to say or think that (two things) are equal or the sameYou shouldn't equate material wealth with happiness.bir tutmak, eşit saymak
equivalenthaving the same value, use, meaning, etc.Those less-known companies manufacture equivalent products at cheaper prices.eşit, denk
establishto cause (someone or something) to be widely known and acceptedThe film established her as a star.kurmak, tesis etmek, oluşturmak
evaluate[+ obj] : to judge the value or condition of (someone or something) in a careful and thoughtful wayWe need to evaluate our options.değerlendirmek
evident[more evident; most evident] : clear to the sight or mind : obvioushe problems have been evident for quite some time.açık, aşikar
formulate[+ obj] : to create, invent, or produce (something) by careful thought and effortA long-range plan is being formulated.plan geliştirmek
guaranteea usually written promise: such as a : a promise that the quality of something (such as a product that is being sold) will be as good as expectedThe washer comes with a guarantee against major defects.garanti
hypothesis[count] : an idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to further study or discussionOther chemists rejected his hypothesis.varsayım
identify[+ obj] 1 : to know and say who someone is or what something isShe identified the dog as her lost pet.belirlemek, tespit etmek
ignore[+ obj] 1 : to refuse to show that you hear or see (something or someone)She tried to ignore him but he wouldn't leave her alone.görmezden gelmek, yok saymak
illuminate[+ obj] 1 : to supply (something) with light : to shine light on (something)A university study has illuminated the problem.aydınlatmak, ışıklandırmak
illustrate[+ obj] 1 : to give examples in order to make (something) easier to understandPlease give a few examples to illustrate your point.resimle, örnekle anlatmak
impactthe act or force of one thing hitting another [couNo one could have survived such an impact.etki, tesir, şiddetli çarpma
alternativealways used before a noun : offering or expressing a choiceWe have alternative [=other] plans in case the weather is bad.alternatif
approachto move or become near or nearer to something or someoneThe cat approached the baby cautiously.yaklaşım, yaklaşmak


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